Crystal Healing – Hebden Therapy Centre – Calderdale
Many people have come to me having no experience, understanding or belief in crystals. Some have come with a distinct aversion.
Some people are very sceptical about crystal therapy but after experiencing their power to heal many of their ailments or change their lifestyle they are now very willing and happy to use them. They will also tell others of the power of crystals.
It can be very difficult for someone who lives a very physical life, or a very scientific or logical person to think a small piece of crystal could have any effect at all.
What happens in Crystal Therapy?
I begin by introducing crystals usually by the wearing or carrying of them – known as personal crystals.
The applications are far too numerous to detail, however they can be recommended to bring a sense of peace, calm and balance.
The Crystal Earthworks
I highly recommend and work closely with The Crystal Earthworks whose personal amethyst is specifically programmed to absorb negative energy from ourselves, those around us, from our environment and to strengthen our energy field.
Crystals in the home and workplace
I also advise on crystals for the environment, home and workplace.
Crystals for heightened energy, peace and health
Crystals, when used appropriately have a great capacity to bring us feelings of great well being, heightened energy, greater clarity and focus to the mind. Crystal therapy gives a deeper sense of peace and health.
Crystal Healing Programme
I would recommend a Crystal Healing Programme when:
- progress seems too slow for the time, commitment and focus being put in by someone.
- the burden of the problem feels insurmountable to the person.
- someone is committed to their own healing, to changing a lifelong negative pattern and is positively working for a change of life style.
- a problem is life threatening.
- someone is ready.
- someone is stuck.
- the mental energy or fear/control patterns are so strong in a person change is seemingly impossible.
- other complementary/alternative therapies or conventional medicine have failed.
- trauma or abuse has been experienced (although timing is of the essence in these cases).
- the person would greatly benefit and needs help in lifting out the difficulties they are experiencing and which are impeding their progress to health and well being.
- where there is much physical suffering and cleansing of the physical body would enable a person to live a fuller life.
- to cleanse the physical body would bring pain relief and lift the suffering, enabling a person to come into greater balance with their own soul choice.
- to cleanse and lift out patterns of drug and alcohol abuse where the person has stopped for some time and has shown commitment to keeping off.
- where help is needed to cleanse the body after someone taking prescribed drugs has been weaned off and again a commitment has clearly been shown.
- someone finds soul recall difficult, impossible or has a very strong aversion to it.
- someone has a natural affinity with crystals.
Timing of Crystal Therapy
A crystal healing programme at the right time can bring great benefit but too early can do more harm than good.
Contra-indications for Crystal Healing Programmes
Crystals can do more harm than good when a person suffers with mental health issues, when the timing is not right or over large crystals are used inappropriately.
Crystal Therapy in Pregnancy
Pregnancy is also a time when great care needs to be taken, only carrying rose quartz, which brings peace and healing in a very gentle manner, would be recommended.
A Crystal Healing Programme
A crystal healing programme is a tailor made, specific programme for each individual.
A crystal healing programme consists of six weekly treatment sessions:
- Crystals
- Reflexology
- Crystals
- Reflexology
- Crystals
- Reflexology
A Soul Recall may also be recommended as part of the programme. Although a Crystal Healing Programme does not give the understanding of the root cause in such an immediate way as soul recall it may eventually uncover and reveal that truth.
Obtaining Crystals
I do sell crystals and if not in stock I can advise and/or obtain the crystals needed.